Desiring-Machines (fragment) The Score as a Map In Desiring-Machines the score can be said
to depart from conventional scores in the sense that it no longer represents in
any way an accurate description of moments. In fact it does not represent
moments but movements. It is an active score, a continuous multiplicity event. It
has discarded any fixity structure. Consequently, it does not serve the
conventional purpose for the conductor and in fact the score, in a way, becomes
unnecessary (for conventional consideration) since even the conductor has
her/his own part. Furthermore, the linearity of the score per se has been
extracted. Therefore, the score becomes not a chronological indicator of events
but instead a nonlinear map/diagram[1]
capable of seizing and shaping any material/content that comes its way, a
machine, a dynamic system or function. Thus, I have imported qualities and
properties of the structure of nonlinearity onto the score as such. In this
respect, it also becomes important that the whole score be presented as a single
schematic image/diagram, as a single page, increasing in size when necessary
rather than in amounts of pages. This is because a second page would,
graphically and conceptually, imply linearity, and therefore break the
nonlinearity (and the specific continuity implied). I endeavour therefore to
thoroughly engage nonlinearity and non-fixity both graphically, conceptually as
well as actually (sonically). The score's alignment of parts is therefore centred
instead of the conventional left-justified layout, which would imply a fixed
beginning point and a left to right order of events. This also emphasizes the
fact that performers can start anywhere within their material (as well as the
elimination of moments). This disposition puts considerable restraints on the
notational activity as I have to fit all my material within the score's
dimensions, but this approach affects the materials also in other ways. When
considering notation I like to think the
initial notational act to be that of notating fluctuating structures.
But 'fluctuating' does not quite capture what is going on. In fact we
have to
rethink the term 'structure' fundamentally, since structure implies
fixity (and
conventionally, linearity). When infusing non-identity (non-fixity) on
structural level I not only aim to liquefy or destroy fixity but intend
capture a dynamically active structure – active in itself – a certain
multidimensional heterogeneous continuity (continuous multiplicity), an
interweaving, twisting and folding activity, where they all continuously “ dovetail into one another”.[2]
That is the 'structure' that I grant a prioritized aesthetic value. Moreover,
this 'structure' relates to the strange/chaotic attractors encountered in Non-vanishing vacuum state (another story), only here I
believe to have managed to more elaborately and more thoroughly engage their
properties (Figure 3.12). This strange/chaotic attractor is engaged on an
infrastructural level (the unstable infrastructure), which inevitably
establishes a contingent relationship with horizontal and vertical structures
(as well as any fixed sound moments/locations). In
other words the piece performs non-identity; its sonic image is non-fixed.
[1] A map does not presuppose any
directionality: any direction is possible. [2] Bergson (1992), Introduction to Metaphysics |